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The middle/high school ensemble meets Mondays, 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Sharp Park area. The adult group, Bel Canto Flutes, meets Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m. at Lakeside Presbyterian Church next to Stonestown. New members of all ages and levels are welcome. Info: Gail Edwards, 359-5668 or visit Thursdays at 5:30 p.m., Smith Field on Wavecrest Road in Half Moon Bay. Co-ed, all ages club. or 650 355-8465. Second Wednesday of month 7-9 p.m., at American Legion Hall, 555 Buel Ave., Contact club president Charlotte Masson, (415-377-0694) or email
Third Saturday of month, 9:30-11:30 a.m, in banquet room of the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant (Francisco and Sharp Park Blvds.) Open to the public, Optional breakfast available, Full breakfast $12; Continental breakfast $6; mint green converse slip on pistachio low ballet flat wedding lace w/ swarovski crystal chuck taylor rhinestone all star bride s Coffee $3, Meeting only, no charge, Info: Judy Heldberg, 359-6874, Thursdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m, Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Dr, Meetings encourage and improve communication skills, Open to the public, Contact Frank Gelini 794-1521 or Peter O’Driscoll 589-6487..
Last Thursday of month, 7 p.m., Pacifica Community Center. 355-4956. New members welcome. Monday and Thursday at Starbucks, Linda Mar Shopping Center 7 p.m. Info: www.,com/group/pacifica_snb. First Friday of the month, 10:30 a.m., Good Shepherd Church , Oceana Blvd. 355-3795. Second Wednesday of month, 7:30 p.m., Linda Mar Fire Station. First Wednesday of month, 7-8:30 p.m., Ingrid B. Lacy school cafeteria. Boys and girls, ages 5-19, welcome to join. Robin Stice at or 359-2695.
Second Wednesday of month, Peninsula Hospital, Millbrae, 6:30 p.m, New moms welcome, Julie McCarron, 992-1059, Saturdays, Feb, to Oct., 10 a.m, to 2 p.m., 830 Rosita Road, behind Linda Mar Education Center, Saturdays between Feb, and Oct, are workdays at Pacifica Gardens, a biointensive mint green converse slip on pistachio low ballet flat wedding lace w/ swarovski crystal chuck taylor rhinestone all star bride s sustainable cooperative gardening project, Loretta O’Brien, 296-9502, or, Mothers, fathers, and primary caregivers (including guardians) of children aged 0-5 years are offered friendship and support through monthly meetings and speakers, playgroups, and social activities,
Ladies 50+ invited to come and have some fun. Meet once a month and do something different each month. Contact or 355-0840. Thursday, 12:30 p.m., Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Dr. Second Wednesday of month. Potluck dinner 6 p.m. and business meeting 7 p.m. 359-5408. Women’s Christian fellowship organization meets first Tuesday of month, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Patty Bajada 757-0807. Thursday, 10 a.m. to noon (evening meeting once a month, second Thursday of the month, 7 – 9 p.m.), Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Drive. Maureen Hillard 355-3505 or Kay Arnaudo 738-5979.
Informal group for Pacifica writers of poetry, fiction /non-fiction meets at 7:30 p.m, third Thursday of month at Florey’s Books, 2120 Palmetto Ave, We have a featured reading, an open reading for visiting writers and potluck refreshments to share, Program is free and open to public, (650) 557-9097, All dances taught and mint green converse slip on pistachio low ballet flat wedding lace w/ swarovski crystal chuck taylor rhinestone all star bride s beginners welcome, No partners needed, Third Saturday of month, Pacifica Library, 104 Hilton Way, 7 p.m, Call Julie for more info 359-3285, What is circle dancing? Visit for more info..
Learn and play poker Friday and Saturday nights. Joe 359-3525 for details. Contact John Galpin, 355-6787, or Meet with Camincha Thursday, 7:30 p.m., to discuss fiction / non-fiction. Serious writers with published work or interested in publishing. Email: or 359-0890. Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sharp Park Golf Course restaurant. Christine Stahl 868-0461. Second Thursday of month 7:30 p.m. Membership information, call membership chair Rose Graham 355-3085 or Linda Hughes 355-5586.
Second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m., Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Dr, Little Brown Church Committee business included, Info: or 359-5462, Support group meets on a monthly basis,, Executive Board meeting second Thursday of the month at mint green converse slip on pistachio low ballet flat wedding lace w/ swarovski crystal chuck taylor rhinestone all star bride s 7 p.m., 555 Buel Ave, Hall, 355-4346, First Thursday of the month 3 p.m., American Legion Hall, 555 Buel, New members welcome, 359-5595 or 359-2982, Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m., 776 Bradford Way, 355-1540..
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