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Safeguard your Apple iPhone X and XS with this Speck Presidio phone case. It has inner ridges that form a shock-absorbing barrier, a raised bezel for screen protection and a scratch-resistant outer layer. This Speck Presidio phone case ensures full use of the device's buttons, ports and features thanks to precise cutouts.

Quang dismisses the criticism, saying talking up a company's products is the job of a CEO, even if doing so is not popular in Vietnam. For some, the hype has worked. Nguyen Viet Phu -- a 41-year-old Hanoi resident who works for Vietnam Television, the country's national broadcaster -- bought a 64-gigabyte champagne-colored Bphone as soon as it became available. He wanted to see what a Vietnamese phone would be like after he lost his iPhone 5S. "Bphone really is a beautifully designed phone," he said over e-mail. "I am very satisfied with the device."For others, Quang and BKAV's bluster has backfired. And countless others in Vietnam aren't even aware the Bphone exists. A couple looking at smartphones in a large electronics store near Hanoi's posh French Quarter said they'd never heard of the device.

BKAV's lower profile is a critical problem, Even heavy hitters of the past like Nokia and Sony draw more interest, But Apple and Samsung displays are often the first thing buyers see when they walk through the doors of electronics stores, Nearly every block in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, has a store hawking presidio show case for apple iphone x and xs - black/clear the iPhone or using the Apple logo to draw in customers, Dang Dung Street in the center of the city features pawn shop after pawn shop selling -- what else? -- iPhones and iPads, The Apple logo appears on everything, from motorbike helmets to the bright pink hoodie worn by a female tailor in Hoi An, This is pervasive, even though Apple doesn't have a store in Vietnam..

"I don't have the money right now, but if I have the money, I want to buy an iPhone," Dao Dat, a 20-year-old who's working part time while learning English to become a teacher's assistant, said through an interpreter at the VinPro store. He'd have to save for a year to afford an iPhone 6. Just as prevalent are stores selling Samsung devices, and billboards from the South Korean company line the roads. Samsung has invested nearly $9 billion over the past seven years to build Vietnamese facilities to assemble its latest devices. More than half of the smartphones sold in Vietnam in the first quarter came from Apple and Samsung, according to Strategy Analytics.

Nowhere near as ubiquitous is BKAV, The company's challenge is to convince people to ditch their favorite brands for a made-in-Vietnam phone, while forking over hundreds of dollars for it, BKAV executives claim Bphone buyers get a high-end phone at half of what they'd pay for an iPhone or Galaxy S device, But if you're going to shell out hundreds of dollars, why not hold out for the flashier brand?, "The price is way too high," a user named Anh Tuan posted online, as translated to English from Vietnamese, "I'm a patriot and willing to support made-in-Vietnam products as long as the value meets the cost, Don't let the love for your country be used presidio show case for apple iphone x and xs - black/clear as a marketing ploy."BKAV's limited rollout could hurt Bphone's prospects, Vietnam is a country where most consumers buy their devices in physical shops, while in China, Xiaomi has sold millions of devices by holding flash sales on the Web, BKAV only offers its device online, and it's selling Bphone in phases, The first batch went on sale June 2, and the second will take place in August..

BKAV sold 11,822 Bphones during its first go-around, but that's a sparse compared with the 2.1 million handsets Xiaomi sold during a 12-hour flash sale in April or the 10 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus units Apple sold in the first weekend they were on the market in 2014. Generating high sales volume isn't the main priority, said BKAV executives, who say they also value the importance of making a good impression. The company offered a two-week return policy to give customers time to try out the device -- something that's virtually nonexistent in Vietnam, where most sales are final.

But sales eventually will have to matter if BKAV intends to stay in the presidio show case for apple iphone x and xs - black/clear market for the long haul, Looking ahead, it wants to go after other markets in Asia, such as India, and possibly even the US within the next year or so, The company has enlisted Qualcomm to help it work with wireless carriers including Verizon and AT&T, the top two carriers in the US, "The global market is our final goal, you see, as Apple or Samsung [has done]," Le said, But "if the domestic market is not good, we cannot have the basic requirement to go forward, So in the near future, we have to convince the Vietnamese people to believe [in] this product."Road Trip 2015: BKAV, which made its money selling security software, is the first to design and build a smartphone in Vietnam, The question is, will anyone buy it?..

Google has been distributing a new version of Glass to companies, engineered specifically for workplaces in sectors including health care, manufacturing and energy, according to The Wall Street Journal. The device will look different from the original Glass, which cost $1,500, according to the report. Instead of having a built-in frame, the new version will have a hinge on it that attaches the device to another pair of glasses. The workplace version will also have a battery pack and longer prism -- which is how a wearer sees digital images and graphics overlaid on top of what that person usually sees.

Google declined to comment, Glass was originally unveiled in 2012 by Google co-founder Sergey Brin with much fanfare, but the hype quickly died as the device became a lightning rod for controversy, Glass, with its built-in camera, became a target for detractors who felt their privacy was being violated, Others simply disliked the device because they thought it looked nerdy, With the enterprise version, Google hopes to sidesteps the privacy and fashion concerns, since those things tend to be less of an issue in a workplace environment, (For example, a construction worker might not presidio show case for apple iphone x and xs - black/clear worry about how Glass looks with his or her hard hat ensemble.)..

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