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* Joannie Greggains, health and fitness expert, mind-body connection and the importance of exercise. * Lisa Mancini, director, San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services Division * Aimee Armsby, deputy counsel at San Mateo County. * Shannon Morgan, health services manager of the Elder and Dependent Adult Protection Team, scams and other abuses of seniors. * Bonnie Silverman, San Mateo County Fall Prevention Task Force, fall prevention tips. * Marilyn Baker-Venturini, director of Meals on Wheels with Peninsula Volunteers Inc., nutrition tips.
* Dr, Susan P, Ehrlich, physician and CEO at San Mateo Medical Center, health tips, * Ruth Gay, director of public policy and advocacy, Alzheimer’s Association, Northern California and Northern newborn crochet ballet slippers Nevada, healthy brain exercises, Speier, Assemblyman Kevin Mullin, and San Mateo County Supervisor Carole Groom also provided a legislative update, During lunch, the San Francisco Banjo Band, founded 40 years ago, provided delightful musical entertainment, Door prizes highlighted the event, and each senior was also gifted with a pedometer and a bag of fresh produce at the close of the successful conference..
Brady told the audience, and especially the football players, that his son, Tom, did not start out initially playing football as successfully as he does now. He advised everyone that it is not where you start, it is where you finish. Brady encouraged everyone to follow their dreams. “Don’t let anybody discourage you…or put a lid on your goals and aspirations,” he said. “But just having the dream to be great isn’t enough — you have to work at it — whether you are a football player, lawyer, or school teacher. You have to give everything you’ve got to be the best — and that entails sacrifice.” Emphasizing that football is a team sport — in fact, the consumate team sport, Brady advised the football players to remember BAM (Be a Man). Make good and often tough choices.
Brady mentioned that when his son Tom was at Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo, it took a couple of years for him to find a peer group, “Surround yourself with people who have the highest dreams and choose your friends carefully,” said Brady, “This is a precursor to being the best husband and father — excellence is not a part-time endeavor.” The Rotary clubs of San Bruno and Millbrae hosted the event, which newborn crochet ballet slippers is held to honor each school’s senior football players and spirit squads, and to spark school spirit..
Rotary Club Presidents William Li (San Bruno) and Marilou Edwards (Millbrae) as well as Scott Hart, master of ceremonies, welcomed 150 people to the inspirational event. Other speakers who gave encouraging talks were: San Bruno Vice Mayors Michael Salazar (San Bruno) and Anne Oliva (Millbrae); Principals Shamar Shanks (Capuchino) and Paul Belzer (Mills); head football coaches Ben White (Capuchino); and Mike Krieger (Mills); and football team members Phil Goldbrick (Capuchino) and Jeremiah Ibanez (Mills).
Music by the Capuchino Band led by Justin Cottrell, and performances by the Capuchino Mustangs Senior Spirit Squad coached by Courtney Chin and the Mills Vikings Spirit Squad coached by Kara McGee provided lively entertainment, This year, Capuchino Varsity outscored Mills, 47-7, at the 55th annual “Battle of the Strip” game played Nov, 13 at Capuchino and won the Battle of the Strip Trophy created in 2002 by former Mayors Larry Franzella (San Bruno) and Marc Hershman (Millbrae), The Capuchino newborn crochet ballet slippers Junior Varsity team also won 49-0 against Mills Junior Varsity the same day..
To say its debut on Dec. 13, 1881, was an important event is an understatement. The newspapers of the day were both eloquent and enthusiastic about the new landmark. “For the first time the citizens of San Jose realized that they lived in a the only city lighted by electric light, supported by a tower, which like the Colossus at Rhodes, stood astride her two principal streets,” reported the San Jose Daily Herald. The Herald went on: “Today San Jose may be more proud of her tower than Egypt of its Sphinx and obelisks, than Pisa of her Leaning Tower, England of her Monuments of war, New York of her Cleopatra’s Needle. These are monuments of pride and raised by a proud and haughty aristocracy. This is a monument to progress and the diffusion of light in out midst.”.
Unfortunately, while Egypt still has its Sphinx, Pisa still has its Leaning Tower and New York still has its Cleopatra’s Needle, San Jose no longer has its Electric Tower, It was lost on Dec, 3, 1915, when winds of close to 75 miles per hour slammed into the structure, When the tower was erected 34 years earlier, the process of coating iron with zinc to prevent rust was unknown, so the threaded joints of the tower had rusted through, It was easy prey to the high winds, One account of its end, in Santa Clara Valley: Images of the Past by Donald O, newborn crochet ballet slippers DeMers Jr., and Ann M, Whitesell, reads, “A crackling and snapping of rods and pipes; a warning cry from bystanders and the historic tower at Market and Santa Clara Streets crashed to the platform built for its reconstruction, At about 11:55 o’clock a rod snapped, then another, About 50 feet below the top the huge frame buckled, … The snapping of the rods could be heard for some distance and the few people who were on the streets were enabled to get out of the way.”..
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